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Transformative Wellness Services

At Well2Thrive, it is our belief that every person is unique and depending on where you are at in your wellness journey, specific desires and needs are present. 

We respect diversity by creating a variety of offerings and services through targeted, evidenced-based, inclusive, and practical approaches with a keen awareness for individuality. After all, it is our sole goal to EMPOWER Individuals, Groups, and Organizations to Get Well, Be Well, and Stay Well! 


Let us be your catalyst for learning & doing so that you can thrive across all wellness dimensions and live life to the fullest! 


Get in the driver’s seat and navigate from “Desire” to “Action” to “Done”. 

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Self-Paced Courses 

Stress Management, Resilience & Thriving 

For Individuals, Teams, & Leaders 

Whether from your cozy sofa, at your favorite coffee shop, or other locale, you can learn wherever your heart desires, at a time that works with your busy schedule! Neat, right? 

This self-paced course will provide you with knowledge and resources on what stress is and how you can better manage stress so that you can become more resilient and thrive in all dimensions of wellness. What are the dimensions of wellness you may wonder? We will cover these in detail, along with easy to implement strategies for everyday use, tailored to your desires and needs.


But, first things first: Do you even know your stressors, your responses to such stressors, and how you cope currently? Do you know if your current stress is making you sick or do you function below your desired/optimal level? Do you have the knowledge and tools for minimizing stress at home and work? If your answer to any or all of these questions is “no”, then this course is for you! 

You will complete a few assessments to find out your stressors, stress level, responses, and impacts. Additionally, you will be able to detect unhealthy and healthy coping behaviors and intervene to improve negative behaviors. Did I mention that your understanding of yourself and others, as well as your compassion, can be increased? Other health and wellness benefits can be noticed as well so just enjoy your journey of transformation and continuous growth. 

The knowledge you will gain throughout this course will provide you with a basis for better managing your stress and becoming more resilient so that you can thrive! The approaches shared are based on research and best practices in the industry. After this course, you will be able to: 

  • Understand what stress truly is and your current level of stress. 

  • Identify stressors, early and later warning signs of poor coping, and ways to address or get help.  

  • Identify your life-style and coping-style strengths.  

  • Create S.M.A.R.T. goals for addressing your stress.  

  • Understand how to use stress as a positive resource for resilience and thriving.   

  • Learn about mind-body tools and other resources for adapting a positive mind-set in the face of stress.   

  • Create your own “Toolkit” to better manage stress, become more resilient, and thrive! 


The best part? Lessons throughout this course will contain numerous hands-on elements so “roll up your sleeves” and let’s get to work! Assessments, worksheets, and activities will help you to self-reflect on the content and personalize it to your own needs and desires. This course will be useful to you as an individual, team member, and for your team if you are a leader or if your goal is to improve family or team dynamics. You will also find numerous resources throughout the course and a Bonus section at the end with even more free resources and other “goodies”! 


Coming Soon 

More Self-Paced Courses will be created so check back often for the latest and greatest self-paced learning content. We never stop learning and neither should you when it comes to your wellness…Sign up today for the Well2Thrive Newsletter and be the first to know about wellness tips, new courses, coupon codes and other deals!  

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Stress Management, Resilience & Thriving 

We often face stress and many individuals experience stress on a daily basis, which can be extremely unhealthy if not managed well. Stress, especially when such stress is chronic in nature, can impact our physical, emotional, occupational, social, spiritual, and intellectual well-being, as well as our finances and environment. 

Our level of day-to-day functioning can easily be compromised and affect our health and wellness and our relationships (i.e., with our significant other, children, friends, colleagues) in the short- and long- term.  

Learn about common causes of stress, your reactions (such as signs and symptoms), and effective ways to reduce stress and better “tackle” stressful situations when they occur. You will learn about various stress management tools and strategies that will not only help in minimizing your stress but also, become more resilient. This workshop will also address your mindset and the power it holds on a day-to-day basis.

Enroll today for an upcoming session so that you can beat your stress, become Healthier, Happier & THRIVE – for Life!  

Stress Fact #1:  

Did you know that a person’s physical and mental health, health care, as well as money, the economy, our nation’s future, violence and crime, family responsibilities, and other factors, were common and substantial stressors among Americans? Individuals across different age groups and from different backgrounds can be negatively affected by stress.*  

Headaches, fatigue, feeling anxious, feeling depressed or sad, and/or weight gain or loss can result from stress. Additional impacts on our health, such as changes in sleeping habits, consistent worrying, substance use, and feeling overwhelmed can be symptoms of stress.  

Stress Fact #2:

Did you know that around 61% of people were told to just “get over their stress”? So many wished they had someone to help them get started and better manage their stress, as well as have more emotional support and understanding. *  

Stress Fact #3:

Did you know that stress can lead us to struggle and feel “frozen” and not planning for our future or complete our day-to-day activities? * 

It can leave us to withdraw from loved-ones or avoid social situations. It can also impact what we choose to eat or consume, reduce our physical activity or exercise levels, interrupt our sleep, and we may even neglect to take care of our responsibilities at home or at work. 

*Source: American Psychological Association (2023). Stress in America 2023. Stress in America 2023: A nation recovering from collective trauma ( 

>> Don’t do this alone! Find the knowledge, resources/tools, and support you need to better “tackle” your stress so that you can return to feeling better, more joyous, productive, and truly well in all dimensions of your life! Enroll now for an upcoming session today and join others in their quest to elevate their wellness.  

Do you feel stressed? You are not alone! Did you know that caregivers of children with special needs face higher levels of stress? However, distress can be reduced with awareness, added knowledge, and a toolkit that is created by yourself, to “tackle” your unique needs and desires.

Plus, receive support from Well2Thrive and caregivers like yourself. Don’t go through this alone - we are here for you!  

Are you ready to reduce your distress and thrive? Enroll today for an upcoming session!  

Did You Know? 

  • That caregivers of children with special health care needs generally feel more overloaded and stressed due to their child’s/children’s greater need for care (for example: medication, special diets, psychomotor rehabilitation, therapy services, and more)? * 

  • The higher the needs for care, caregiver wellness is often suffering at a greater level and the overall quality of life is lower. * 

  • Higher levels of stress impact our own personal well-being and the well-being of other family members.  

  • Specifically, stress can result in symptoms of depression, anxiety, fatigue, sleep difficulties, problems with cognition and lower the quality of life among caregivers. * 

* Source: Lopes-Júnior, Luís C., Lima, Regina A. G., Zonta, J. B., Sulino, M. C., Looman, W. S., Correa, L. M., & Okido, A. C. (2022). Biomarkers of stress in caregivers of children with special health care needs: A protocol for systematic review. Medicine, 101(44). Biomarkers of stress in caregivers of children with special... : Medicine ( 

Here's the Great News! 

  • YOU can learn about your stressors and stress responses and how they impact your well-being currently. With the gained knowledge throughout this workshop, you will be able to transform your life by lowering your stress level and utilize stress management techniques effectively. ...And your spouse and children can benefit as well! 

  • Are you ready to increase your day-to-day functioning and overall quality of life? 

  • Come join other caregivers on the journey to improved wellness! 

Course Objectives

Throughout this workshop, you will get to reflect on the following: 

  • What are your current stressors, reactions, and strains? How do these factors impact your life/functioning/quality of life? 

  • What stress management tools do you currently use or enjoy? Which do you plan on adopting and applying in the future? 

  • Which dimension(s) of wellness would you like to improve? By doing so, how might this improve your life? How might this impact your spouse/child/children/other relationships? How might this improve other dimensions of your wellness and your overall quality of life? 

  • How can you share your knowledge with others? 

>> Gain new knowledge & tools and a support group and community of other caregivers to  reduce your stress and thrive! 

Take action to improving your wellness & Enroll for this Workshop today! 

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Become More Resilient & Thrive in ALL Areas of Your Life  

Do you feel stuck? Do you want a more fulfilling life but don’t know how to get out of the “mud” and get onto rich, fruitful soil, so to speak?

Are you looking to accomplish goals or dreams that you have? Or, are you looking to create a more resilient “you” to tackle challenges that you are facing? We each encounter challenges in our lives but your resilience will determine how you will navigate such challenges or “rocks” on your path.  

If you wish to get straight to the point, and learn quick and simple ways to get “unstuck” and create a more resilient mindset, this workshop is for you. We will be “jumping” right into the content with some strategies that will be easy to implement but yet, are highly effective, based on research and practice. Awareness is key and the first step toward changing your mindset. Unlock your capacity for resilience so that you can THRIVE in your personal life, in your relationships, at work, in your community, and other settings. You will complete some exercises that will help you gain greater awareness of where you are and what is holding you back, hear from other workshop participants, and then create strategies that you can use to awaken your power from within to be the best version of yourself. I know you are ready for this…you were born ready!

Enroll for an upcoming workshop session today!  

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Become More Resilient & Thrive in ALL Areas of Your Life 

With all the fad diets, latest exercise trends or other health and wellness “hacks” advertised on social media, popular magazines, etcetera, it is tough to decipher what truly works, right?

Have you tried so many things to lose weight, only to find that they worked temporarily or not at all? Did you gain the weight back? Are you confused? Have you spent countless dollars on products and services? Do you feel “frozen” and don’t know what to do next to lose some unwanted points and get your health back? I feel your frustration!  


Let’s unpack some strategies that are proven for losing weight. In the process, you will increase your health and wellness and feel so much better! The best part is: these are research-backed and effective, solid strategies that can be easily applied in your day-to-day life. With keen awareness of where you are currently, and by applying these 10 strategies, you can shed those pounds, feel better immediately, reach new heights, and create a healthier and better YOU.  

Don’t just feel good for a few weeks – instead, find out how you can feel GREAT for a LIFETIME!  

You can also learn from other workshop participants and share your knowledge from this workshop with loved-ones, friends, and colleagues to create a “village” of healthier people around you. After all, who wants to keep such good secrets to themselves, right? Let’s do this together – you will not regret taking this workshop! Enroll for an upcoming session today!  

Additional Workshops will be added so check back often for the latest and greatest workshop content. Sign up today for the Well2Thrive Newsletter and be the first to know about new workshops, coupon codes and other deals!  


Well2Thrive Team/Corporate Events & Public Speaking 

Team Building 

Lunch & Learn 


Public Speaking 

Looking for teambuilding sessions or another activity/event within your organization?

How about a lunch & learn session or a longer workshop for your organization?

Maybe you are looking for someone to speak at a corporate or other event?  


You are in luck! I am ready to engage with your employees and leaders and happy to brainstorm how my expertise can best benefit your organization, goals, and needs.  


All Well2Thrive services and content are DEIB+-friendly! 


Ice-breakers, hands-on-activities, and engaging conversations surrounding a wellness topic, self-improvement, and/or team dynamics topic of your choice is my specialty (event and public speaking topics can include, but are not limited to the following: any or all wellness dimensions, mindset, positive psychology, empowerment, stress, work-life balance, resilience & thriving, understanding self and others, engaging remote employees, preventing burnout, weight loss, simple diet strategies for busy people, fitting in exercise into a busy day, and more).   


Contact me today to further discuss your ideas and goals so that your upcoming event can be memorable. Create valuable take-aways for your diverse employees, teams, or audience!  

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Wellness & Life Coaching (Virtual)

What are your wellness goals and life goals and how can you reach them? Is something holding you back? What current challenges do you face? What resources do you currently have and which ones do you need to be successful? Tap into your inner giant to discover where you are now and where you want to be. How would your wellness & life look like and feel like when you are truly well and thriving?

What will it take to get there?  

> > I am ready to guide and support you in creating a solid plan, that is focused on your needs and wants. Don’t worry, it will be completely “digestible” so that you won’t feel overwhelmed! You can readily implement this tailored plan on a daily basis to reach your goals and finally feel great! We will also focus on creating habits out of these actions so that you can make these part of your lifestyle – for life! Aim high and reach your goals, making your dreams a reality! Take action now - you were meant to reach new heights! Let’s do this together.  

Purchase the 4-Session Package Minimum ($595.00 for 4 virtual sessions at 60min/session). This is the starting package for all new clients. * 

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Purchase additional individual sessions ($150.00 for 1 virtual session at 60min/session). This option is only available to existing clients who have already completed the 4-session bundle and wish to add additional sessions. * 

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Outdoor Meditation


I’m happy to report we’ve made excellent gains in our nutrition :) We have incorporated healthier food choices and I have cut back significantly on my alcohol intake. I no longer crave unhealthy food as an outlet and have actually chosen to get more sleep rather than stay awake and eat bad foods. 

We’ve also made a goal to do two family activities a month that get our son out in the community whether it’s the park, church or birthday parties etc. Work life balance has also been improved for both myself and my husband. He has hired another employee which will take a tremendous load off of him. My son has been doing awesome and has recently turned a corner with requesting things without prompts (6-7 word requests)! His diet is still expanding and I’m proud to say we added hard boiled eggs and cheese to round out his dairy component that was lacking.

Testimonial - T.R. 


We specialize in helping people who feel stressed and unwell, so they can feel better and take their life back, become more resilient, and thrive in every aspect of their life! 


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